Vote Poll Results
In a recent poll we asked you, our loyal audience, “What particular challenge concerns you the most for young African women?” and the results are in! Out of 112 votes, “Quality Healthcare garnered 18 percent of the votes; “Substantive Employment” represented the largest percentage at 46 percent; “Gender Equality” was the second highest percentage at 33 percent; and “Other” rounded out the voting field with 4 percent.
Thanks to all of you who voted and commented; your feedback will help Voices Of Africa staff members better understand the challenges our young African women confront within the Continent and throughout the Diaspora.
Clearly, but not surprisingly, “Substantive Employment” and “Gender Equality” selections lead the way as major stumbling blocks for survey respondents. Employment challenges remain persistent for young African ladies even those who graduate from colleges with advanced degrees. Many young ladies say finding a quality, well-paying job is difficult due to the lackluster economies where they reside. While others are sometimes informed, they must have sex with the hiring manager or company owner to secure a position.
The lack of gender parity still impacts our young ladies as stubbornly; old cultural stereotypes continue to linger. Still African women today are told a woman’s place is in the home caring for her family and she should not pursue a career. And even when a woman secures a professional position, her continued career advancement is not widely supported.
At Voices Of Africa, one of our goals is to leverage our platform to encourage and support young African women to continue to educate themselves and not lose hope in their journey to seek sustainable employment as well as gender parity—in and outside of the workplace. Using our platform content, functionality, and technology we are creating tools and distributing information to assist young African ladies to accomplish both their educational, career, and life goals.
One specific way we’re doing this is to connect aspiring young African ladies (our Voices) with more career senior ‘women of color’ (our Aunties) who may be in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
At Voice Of Africa, we understand we may not achieve absolute equality for our young African ladies, in our lifetime, but we may be able to help them along to an extent that someone else can come along and take them the rest of the way.
Please continue to share your ideas and comments through our platform to build this unique community to up lift and secure our lovely young African ladies.
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