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Nardos Amdework

Owlevents Founder and CEO
About Nardos Amdework:

Ms. Nardos Amdework is an accomplished Ethiopian entrepreneur. Her work spans across Architecture, FinTech, Biotechnology, and Synthetic Biology, and she now heads a company that provides enterprise-scale software development services, which has birthed a comprehensive event management business, called Owlevents. In fact, several of Ethiopia's most well-known event planners are Owlevents clients. Ms. Amdework’s entrepreneurial journey began after receiving a Cornell University AFS fellowship, furthering her studies in science diplomacy and communication associated with biotechnology and synthetic biology. Notably, at Cornell, she collaborated with other AFS participants to draft a statement for the 24th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical, and Technological Advice to the Conference of the Parties (COP) Convention, which took place in Geneva, Switzerland.

After her Cornell University experience, she joined the esteemed MU-BRIC cohort at the University of Missouri, where she expanded her understanding of modern biotechnology's economic and environmental benefits to Ethiopian sustainable farming.

Away from work, Ms. Amdework is an ardent volunteer. Over the years, she has practiced her dedication by supporting the rights of Ethiopians afflicted with MS (multiple sclerosis) to receive appropriate treatment. She has also worked with the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF) to demonstrate to the World Health Organization that MS therapy should be defined as life-saving treatment worldwide.

The same passion that has fueled Ms. Amdework’s MS support work also led her to Synbio Africa, where she had the opportunity to showcase her science, creative design, and communication expertise as an ambassador and steering committee member promoting the use of synthetic biology throughout Africa. Ms. Amdework holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Architecture and Urban Planning from Arbaminch University in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, and a Master of Science (MSc) in Landscape Design and Environmental Planning from Ethiopian Architectural Building and City Development (EiABC).

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