Frank Bryant
Founder & CEO
"Finally, Someone Who Cares About Us," was a phrase communicated to me by a young lady of African heritage when I described Liquid Barrier's latest venture to create a digital platform to amplify young African female voices. As most of you know, I started Liquid Barrier about two years ago at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic when an offer to join a major pharmaceutical company was rescinded. Since then, Liquid Barrier has expertly created technology, business, and social media content.
Recently, to expand Liquid Barrier's influence and to address more than several critical needs identified within our African diaspora, I have decided to create a platform to serve as a vehicle for young African women to express their perspectives on such important topics as environment/climate change and sustainability, politics, health/reproductive care, technology, economics, and education—only to name a few.
In my humble opinion, young African women have not always had the opportunity to express themselves as freely and as often as they might like—and/or perhaps they haven't had the platform. At the same time, young African women will without question play a critical role in the future development and success of our Continent as well as lead in maintaining our rich history.
Since speaking to so many young African ladies over the past months to introduce the platform, words can barely express how impressed I've been with their intelligence, polish, poise, education, style, class, and charm—not to mention their extraordinary beauty.
I sincerely believe Africa's true treasures are not her oil, diamonds, gold, copper, lithium, or timber. Her true treasures are her young African women whom we must promote, cherish, protect, and celebrate! Mining the minds of our most precious commodities to hear their perspectives, their dreams, and their challenges together with showcasing the excellence of our African culture, is an experience I'm sure you won't want to miss! Welcome to Voices Of Africa!!!